PSR-7 is pretty close to completion. PSR-7 is a new ‘PHP standard recommendation’, put out by the PHP-FIG group, of which I’m a member of.
It describes how to create PHP representations of a HTTP Request and a HTTP response.
Slim supports PSR-7 interfaces for its Request and Response objects. This makes Slim flexible because it can use any PSR-7 implementation. For example, a Slim application route does not have to return an instance of \Slim\Http\Response
. It could, for …
中间件, PSR-7, PSR-15 和Mezzio
Middleware, a palavra.
Sou o maluco das etimologias, acho legal tentar entender a origem da palavra e que significado ela carrega, no caso de middleware o middle vem de "meio", "entre" e o ware é usado pra substantivos não-contáveis que …
- 我不太了解中间件,所以检查了它。
- 毕竟,我不太确定。
HTTP, PSR-7 与 中间件
I’ve been thinking a lot about immutable objects lately. Yegor Bugayenko claims that Objects Should Be Immutable and PSR-7: HTTP message interfaces are designed to be immutable. #
…Messages are values where the identity is the aggregate of all
PSR-7 标准介绍
This post is part of series:
- Part 1: Overview
- Part 2: Request and URI
- Part 3: Response
- Part 4: File Uploads
- Part 5: HTTP-Client
- Part 6: Server Request
- Part 7: Middleware
- Part 8: Usage in a Magento module
This is …