原文作者:Taylor Otwell

网上偶得此书,是Laravel的作者写的。 Laravel是近年来优秀的PHP框架,国内外都有很多支持者。该框架应用了大量PHP5尤其是5.3以后的新特性,使得后端的开发进一步的简便而灵活。具体可以看这里 http://www.laravel.com

Laravel - 从百草园到三味书屋

From Apprentice To Artisan 目录

Author's Note 作者自序

Since creating the Laravel framework, I have received numerous request for a book containing guidance on building well-architected, complex applications. As each application is unique, such a book requires that the counsel remains general, yet practical and easily applicable to a variety of projects.


So, we will begin by covering the foundational elements of dependency injection, then take an in-depth look at service providers and application structure, as well as an overview of the SOLID design principles. A strong knowledge of these topics will give you a firm foundation for all of your Laravel projects.

因此我们将从属于基础要素的依赖注入开始讲起,接着是深入了解服务提供者和应用程序结构, 以及“坚实”设计原则。这些主题的中心思想会给你的Laravel项目奠定坚实的理论基础。

If you have any further questions about advanced architecture on Laravel, or wish to see something added to the book, please e-mail me. I plan to expand the book further based on community feedback, so your ideas matter!


Finally, thank you so much for being a part of the Laravel community. You have all helped make PHP development more enjoyable and exciting for thousands of people around the world. Code happy!


Taylor Otwell

看完这些 领悟PHP本身技能应该是很牛逼了